Why teaching? Samantha WEISBERG

Teaching Philosophy-

I believe that all students should have access to an arts education. The skills obtained in a theater classroom are skills that will be carried with the student for the rest of their academic and social careers. Drama training helps students access creativity. Not every student learns the same way and Theatre is an excellent way to reach out to every type of learner and include them in the teaching and learning process. Additionally, skills obtained in a theater classroom can be used in all fields. Contrary to popular belief, one does not have to pursue a career in theater to benefit from the skills obtained through theater. My classroom promotes confidence, risk-taking, team-work, communication, critical thinking, support, reflection, and the ability to be a part of a community.

I believe that theater gives students of all ages space to be creative, explore new topics, and use their voices and bodies to dive into curriculum. My classroom will provide all students with equal opportunities, while promoting tools they are learning in their core classes. They will be able to not only strengthen the skills listed above, but will gain focused skills in reading and writing, public speaking, vocabulary and critical reflection. Students will be able to build upon context knowledge they have obtained in other academic and social settings and use them to create meaningful works of art that will help them understand and further explore these topics.

A drama classroom is a safe space for students to build community within the school as they explore topics that may not always come up in other classrooms. I want my classroom to be a safe space in which every student feels important, noticed, respected, and valued. I also believe that theatre can be incorporated into core content areas. I would love to teach theatre as a standalone subject, but I would also love to collaborate with other faculty members to bring this type of learning into their spaces. Drama keeps students engaged, it forces them to think outside the box and keeps them on their toes. As a teacher, it is my job to make my students think, to teach them to have an open mind, and to properly prepare them for the world. Drama can be an outlet for any type of student, at any age. It can rapidly change the way a child sees the world, and can help them succeed not only on stage, but in all other aspects of their lives.

Yardsticks by Chip Wood. An important text to help educators understand who their students are, and how they learn and grow with each passing day

always do your research!


Reflect on your teaching practice and goals

I am confident, kind, and compassionate in the classroom. Sometimes I make mistakes, and thats okay. I will always speak up for inclusion and acceptance in my classroom. I want to create a safe learning space where every student feels respected, heard, inspired, valued, and motivated. My community is made up of students using art as a vehicle for success, diversity, engagement and change. I will do my part in protecting, growing and furthering arts education, building a community of advocated and creators.

http://www.mass-creative.org - Do your part! Use your voice to stand up for your beliefs!

Its all about the process!

Enjoy the little things


The process is part of the journey, enjoy it!

Excited to see what comes next!


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