Southern Africa Pages 377-396

Landforms and Bodies of Water

The Nile River, Zambezi, The Congo River, Orange, and the Niger.

There is Lake Victoria, Lake Chad, and Lake Assal.

Southern Africa

By Painter P.

Question - “Which type of landform is common in Southern Africa?”

Climate - Tropical Zone

Temperate Zones: Tropical, mostly like a rainforest.

Desert Regions, Well a desert

Question - “Why are temperatures in Southern Africa’s tropical countries generally not hot?”

The climate is normal just like Indiana. It changes without warning sometimes.

Question - “What natural resources are found in Southern Africa, and why are they important?”

South Africa’s Resources are oil, natural gases, and copper.

Energy Resources: Solar energy, hydraulic water energy.

Minerals and Other Resources, Copper, Gold, Clay, and Iron and Steel.

Wildlife: Well if you have been to a zoo you now whats in africa, lions, zebras, snakes, lizards, and much more.

Question - “How does deforestation affect the energy supply in the region?”

Answer: It hurts the wildlife also, but it helps the ground to loosen up the soil.


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