Vanadium's Baby Book Lauren Dickins 2017

My Baby's Information

Name : Vanadium (23V Transition Element ...surname!)

Nickname of element {Symbol}: V

Birthdate {date of discovery}: 1801 ( the specific date and month are unknown...)

Race {type of element}: Metal

Birth Weight {atomic mass}: 50.9415amu (Atomic Mass Unit)

Birth Height {atomic number}: 23

Family Name {family or group}: Transition Metal

Obstetrician {discoverer}: Andrés Manuel del Río. (Del Río was a Mexican scientist (mineralologist)/ chemist. At the same time, according to some sources, another scientist named Nils Serfström also discovered Vanadium, except in Sweden. Even so, the official conformation of this new element came from France, who were supplied with information and samples by Del Rio. I believe that of the two, Del Rio is the true discoverer.)

Place of Birth {country of discovery}: Mexico, otherwise known as New Spain. (The first piece of Vanadim was found in a piece of brown iron ore by Del Río, which was sent the the Institue de France in Paris with a letter describing the methods Del Río had used to both find and extract what would hopefully become the newest element. It was there, after analysis and conformation that Vanadium bacame an element. Both Mexico and Paris, France played their roles in the discovery of Vanadium.)

Vanadim, Acrostic Poem

Verybeautiful~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Naturally~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Alluring ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Deatailed~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Intricate silver rocks making ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Up part of many~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Minerals.

Gender {state of matter at room temperature}: Solid (...transition metal)

Personality: V goes off his tree when he hits 3380 degrees Celsius (boiling point), and has a breakdown at 1890 degrees Celsisus (melting point). He's pretty intense sometimes at his steady 5.8 grams per cm2 (density)!

DNA {Chemical Properties}: Vanadium oxide is used commonly as a catalyst in the manufacturing of sulfuric acid. It has the same use in creating maleic anhydride. Vanadium is sometimes added to glass, producing a blue green tinge. This is shown through a prac. performed by the Depament of chemistry at the University of Washington simply following the procedure using an ammonium meta-vanadate solution, (an ammonium solution is a liquid solution that includes NH4+ which is a cation. Ammonium is always present in the salts that can be derived from ammonia (ammonia is a clear gas that has a really distinctive and pungent smell). Ammonia can dissolve into water, creating a very alkaline solution, meaning it has to have a pH level larger than 7. (...Just a little bit off topic!!)) VO2+, which can also be written as VO(H2O)52+ (+4). VO2 is a representation of oxygen consuption by a human body, H2O is obviously water, and (+4) is one of 4 of the common oxidation states of Vanadium; +2, +3, +4 and +5. ( You can find all of the information from that experiment through the 6th website in my Bibliography)

Vanadium; it dosen't react with regular acids and it doesn't dissolve in water, but does become more reactive when it comes in contact with some acids when they are heated, such as sulfuric and nitric acids. These reactions include, foaming and off-gassing. Vanadium conducts heat and electricity, both properties defining vanadium as a metal, but it can be hammered into a thin sheet and drawn into a wire which are properties not connected to being a metal; hence placing itself in the section for transition metals on the periodic table.

All Part of the Chemical Properties; Blue and Green!


Vanadium in its Untampered, Natural Form
A Bohr Model of Vanadium

Brothers and Sisters {Names of all family Members from the Periodic Table}: Vanadium has 3 older Siblings. Niobium is 41 (atomic number) years old (Nb)(Atomic Mass: 92.91), Tantalum in 73 (atomic number) years old (Ta)(Atomic Weight: 180.95) and Dubnium (Db) has reached the ripe old age of 105(Atomic number)(Atomic Weight: 268). These three elements share the same group, but the wider family is a lot bigger; there is cousins, Scandium, Titanium, Chromium, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper, Yttrium, Zirconium, Niobium, Molybdenum, Technetium, Ruthenium, Rhidium, Palladium, Silver, Hafnium, Tantalum, Tungsten, Rhenium, OsmiuM, Iridium, Platinum, Gold, Rutherfordium, Dubnium, Seaborgium, Bohrium, Hassium, Meitnerium, Damstactium and uncle Roentgenium! All transition metals have variable oxidisation states, and stronger interparticle forces than a representative metal making the transition metals a lot more hard.

Family Portrait {All elements the the same group as Vanadium}:

Niobium: 41 Protons, 41 Electrons and 52 Neutrons.

Bohr Model of Niobium

Tantalum: 73 Protons, 73 Electrons and 108 Neutrons

Bohr Model of Tantalum

Dubnium: 105 Protons, 105 Electrons and 157 Neutrons

Bohr Model of Dubnium
Vanadium is most commonly found in China, South Africa and Russia

Career {What is Vanadium used for or in?}: Vanadium is mostly used as an alloy along with titanium, steel, and other metals. Of that use, 90% of Vanadium goes into steel alloys. Steel on its own is alot more weak, and susceptible to rust, but Vanadium makes it stronger. Such alloys are used in space craft and normal aircraft, in the engines and structure. The steel and vanadium alloy can take weathering and friction well, making it also useful for cutting and grinding tools.

Vanadium isn't found much in nature in its pure form, though it can be found in other substances such as Vanadite and carnotite. It's the 20th most common element on the earths crust, very closely followed by nickel and chlorine. Vanadium is very commonly found as a by-product of the manufacturing of iron. 98% of vanadium ore is extracted trough mining in China, Russia and South Africa.

Some of the things Vanadium is used in

Bibliography Accessed 19th of April 2017 at 6:57pm Accessed 19th of April 2017 at 7:21pm Accessed 22nd of April at 3:37pm Accessed 22nd of April at 3:55pm Accessed on the 30th of April 2017 at 6:26am Accessed on the 30th of April 2017 at 3:45pm Accessed on the 30th of April 2017 at 4:08pm

'World of Numbers' by Adam Spencer Published by: Xoum, Sponsoring body: Xoom, Page 104 used on the 31st of April 2017 at 5:46pm Accessed on the 1st of May 2017 at 9:43pm

The Family Portrait Photos Accessed on the 30th of April 2017 at 5:26pm the 30th of April 2017 at 5:29pm Accessed on the 30th of April 2017 at 5:29pm

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