My Water Cycle Story

Hello my name is Angel I'm the biggest water droplet of all water droplets

This is my family most of them think I'm absolutely insane to go on the journey around the whole water cycle because once my grandpa went on his journey and he never returned home. They think its not safe so I stayed in the ocean for know.

"What I can't go on this journey NO I want to stay home".

Then I Evaporated from the ocean while I evaporated I was thinking about grandpa know I don't want to go on the journey know but it was too late.

Then I started Condensate in the clouds then it started to get real heavy but was getting super fun but I still wanted to go home.

Angel is getting super scared!

Also I Precipitated in a River I was so scared I wasn't gonna get home

Then a animal came and drank me now I was freaking out know. I don't know what to do. Then the animal left from the water. Also it started running then it stating panting so hard I came out of his body.

Know I'm back in the ocean with my family and I'm happier than ever that I'm safer that ever with my family. Know i feel more okay and more open with the water cycle journey "Oh and Geuss what my grandpa is back i new come back''.

"I missed you grandpa".

'' I missed you too Angel hope you had a great Journey".

" I did I love you Grandpa"

"I love you too Angel".

Created By
Jazzlynn Richmire

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