The Grand Canyon The Colorado River

The grand canyon is located in northern Arizona.
It was carved by the Colorado river a long time ago.
There are artifacts from 12,000 years ago.
The people that are believed to have lived are called the Anasazi and in Navajo it means "Ancient ones".
be on the lookout for great views and the amazing wild life like the donkeys shown here.
also don't fall off a cliff, because you will die.


Created with images by photogrammer7 - "nature west rim grand canyon" • skeeze - "grand canyon scenic shoshone point" • skeeze - "grand canyon scenic river" • egorshitikov - "grand canyon winter girl grand" • egorshitikov - "grand canyon winter canyon" • Fezzywig - "grand canyon mule canyon" • Unsplash - "grand canyon national park view"

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