Learning Guide 3 BY: lea hunter

Black and White edits -Lea Hunter
The white cloud in the corner was removed.
The wood was lightened on this photo.
A car was removed from the road.
I used the graduated filter to make it look like this picture was taking during a sunset.
The trees in the bottom of the page were ruining the picture, so I cropped them out.
Quick Develop Edits -Lea Hunter

Key Readings

Dark rooms are used to develop pictures. A photographer has to plan how he/she wants to develop a picture before he/she actually does it. Magnum is one of the best photo journals in the world. It's had many ups and downs, but overall it has had more fine moments. The modern version of developing pictures is using editing software. A great app to use is Lightroom. It does the same steps as manual developing and more in an easier way.

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