The Life of Anabelle Powell By Sophie Dauer

Powhatan tool set

This is a series of tools used by the Powhatan. These tools are mainly made out of deer parts. The puncture tool is a stone arrow attached to a piece of reed, they are probably using the tendons to hold them together. This tool is used for poking holes in leather and then weaving it into clothing. The fishhook was made out of a deer toe. It was used for going fishing. The piece of deer tendon that is soaked to become stringy. These pieces of string will that be separated and used to tie items together to make particularly strong tools. These tools are important to the Powhatan because they helped them make clothing, get food, and have the basic necessities they needed to live.

The Church of Jamestown

This is the Church of Jamestown. This church shows that Jamestown wasn’t created for religious reasons, they just continued the English religion. Jamestown was created to increase profits for the Virginia Company of London. The church was used for religious reasons like praying and as a meeting place. This Church is important because it gave the people of Jamestown a place to pray, a place to exchange information, and just a place to meet.

Fun Fact: Pocahontas probably married John Rolfe in the The Church of Jamestown.

The Millinery

Today I went to the millinery. I noticed that it was a little small and dusty. It smelled like warm fabric. There were sounds of thimbles being tapped against thin needles. The milliner soled fabrics made of linen, wool, silk, and cotton.

The Millinery

I walked around the shop and looked at the parasols, hats, wool coats, dresses, and small fabric samples. I would have wandered around and bought a new hat and parasol, but I was there for a reason. I was getting my custom dress made for the big party that my husband Benjamin and I are throwing.

The Millinery

After I looked through all of the fabric samples. I picked out what I would wear, a silk dress with a lace apron. I than payed and set a date for when my dress would be made so that I could come in and get it fitted.

The Randolph's House

Today I went over to the Randolph’s house. We were visiting them to have dinner. Ariana and John live around the corner but they were visiting relatives so they were also there. I talked with Ariana about the new dress I had just purchased from the milliner while my husband, Benjamin talked about politics with John.

The Randolph's House

I walked past Betty’s room on my way to the privy. Out of all of the times I had been over I had never seen Betty’s room. I looked in, there were two beds because one of the family members was sick so he needed a separate bed. I noticed that their beds were similar to our beds at home. They were very expensive, they cost a year's worth of pay for the average middling. There were long canopies draped over the beds to keep warm during winter. There were thick blankets covering the white sheets with floral designs on them.

The Randolph's House

We that went into my favorite room, the dining room. The mahogany table was covered with dishes of Virginia Ham, Spring Salad, Cod stew, Spanish loaves, fried beetroot, and cow tongue. The table was covered with a white linen table cloth. Around the table sat six black walnut chairs and of course my favorite thing in the whole entire house, the fireplace. It had a marble outside with a brick inside. There was a medal stand in the center that held up the wood. It felt like there was always a fire burning in that room. It reminded me of home and our marble fireplace, our fine china, and our linen table cloth. We began to eat and soon after that we ate our dessert of candied pineapples, masked apples, and caramel custard. We than said our goodbyes and went home.

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