British North America By: Mashael K.

Expulsion of the Acadians ~ 1755-1763
  • People involved were Acadians, British, and First Nations.
  • War between New France and The Thirteen Colonies arised tension and mistrust.
  • Although Acadians said they wouldn't fight against British, they refused to sign an oath of allegiance to the king that stated they'd fight against French, remaining neutral.
  • Acadians were Catholic and British were Protestants, Catholics and Protestants didn't get along.
  • British wanted to claim Acadian farmland.
  • This led to the British deporting the Acadians, they were rounded up and forced onto ships heading to Europe or distant British colonies (present day United States).
  • British burned/destroyed their homes and farms ensuring they wouldn't come back.
  • Some escaped into the forest to find refuge with French or First Nations in the area. While hiding some died of starvation or exposure.
  • Families were separated in the commotion, some never saw each other again.
  • Nearly one-third of people on ships died before reaching their destination.
  • The Expulsion finally came to an end in 1763, lasting eight years.
The Expulsion of the Acadians
Seven Years' War ~ 1756-1763
  • People involved were Austria, Britain, France and First Nations.
  • It began in Europe, when France and britain were at war over who the Austrian King or Queen would be.
  • Their war traveled over to North America.
  • Most of French weren't professional soldiers.
  • France kept most of their troops in Europe, thinking their troops in New France were enough.
  • Britain did the opposite, they sent thousands of troops to North America in hopes of finally winning control of the St. Lawrence River.
  • British captured Louisbourg in 1758.
  • British then went up the St. Lawrence to attack Quebec City.
  • British and French met up in a large open area outside the city walls of Quebec, the Plains of Abraham.
  • French weren't used to fighting out in the open on a battlefield. Most of them weren't professional soldiers either.
  • The British easily won.
  • They ended the war in 1763 with the Treaty of Paris, drastically changing the balance of power in North America.
The SEven Years' War
Treaty of Paris ~ 1763
  • People involved were Britain, France, First Nations and the Spanish.
  • The Treaty of Paris signified the end of the Seven Years' War, which Britain won.
  • France had to give up all control of land in New France and Acadia to Britain. The Spanish got the western half of Louisiana.
  • France only kept two small islands off the coast of Newfoundland.
  • All French colonists living in New France were now ruled by the British.
  • British wanted French to settle into the 'British way of life' and follow British cultures.
  • The British let the French keep their religion, language, seigneurial system and civil laws, in hopes they'd stay loyal. But they still had to use British criminal law.
  • Catholics couldn't run for office, since most of French were Catholics they had no representatives in government.
  • The borders of Quebec were changed to make it a smaller colony, British hoped this would show First Nations they weren't going to expand on their land ergo stop their raids (since the First Nations sided with France in the war).
  • The border change cut Montreal fur traders out of the fur trade, because settlers couldn't go beyond it without permission.
  • The power in North America had drastically changed.
Treaty of Paris

Did British North America ultimately progress as a result of the conflicts and challenges of the 1700's?

No, I don't think British North America ultimately progressed as a result of the conflicts and challenges of the 1700's. I believe this, because a common factor in all of the conflicts was that really only one group of people was benefitted while the rest were treated unfairly. First of all, in the Expulsion of the Acadians, the Acadians were treated extremely unjustly. They showed no harm and posed no threat, yet they were unrightfully kicked out of their homes and shipped off somewhere foreign to them, ending with many of them dying and being separated from their families. Meanwhile, the British lived blissfully ignorant and unaware of the repercussions, because obviously it didn't have any negative affects on them. Another case of this, was in 1763 after the Seven Years' War when the French sent out the Royal Proclamation. There were only several hundred British in the entire colony, while there were thousands of French colonists. James Murray, the first British Governor in the colony of Quebec, felt this was unfair and that the French and British needed to live together. However, the British merchants didn't agree, because they wanted political power and control of the fur trade. So they had him replaced. People didn't want to cooperate or learn to live together in peace. This always ended with one group of people satisfied while the rest were treated unfairly, because it didn't result with them having any misfortunes. This led to people harbouring resentments and even more fights. Ultimately I would say British North America Didn't progress as a result of the conflicts and challenges of the 1700's.

Created By
MashaelK 76


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