Mrs. Lawson Piqua central intermediate, 6th grade, language arts

Major Tasks

-Lesson planning, teaching, grading, interpreting data, grouping students

-Sees 86 students a day.

-Spends about 2 hours a day planning lessons because of classes being at different levels

-Discuss with ELA team to get new ideas and strategies.

-Sometimes, retired teachers come in to visit and work with students

- Common Core is what is taught but have freedom as to HOW they are taught

-Went to college at Miami University & University of Dayton for Master's Degree in Literacy.

"It is important to be able to work with others, there is a lot of collaboration & teamwork that goes on throughout teaching. You also need a lot of patience! In addition, you need to be highly motivated, goal oriented, and outgoing."

What I wish I knew...

"I wish I knew how much education was going to change over the last 20 years. How much it is tied up in Legislation and test scores, and less about the child. I have a continuing contract and a 5 year license in 1-8 education. I have taught only Language Arts and some Social Studies for the last 20 years.

Greatest satisfaction:

"My greatest satisfaction is seeing former students that I have had in class become successful people."

If I could change one thing...

"If I could change one thing... it would be getting rid of high stakes testing, because I think it is detrimental to the child. It is just a snapshot of what they can do on one given day, not a true picture of what they are capable of."

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