September 13 Day of Caring and Senior Seminar

Day of Caring

Sophia Strain and Kesslar Steele work at the Boaz Project in downtown Greenwood. "We're writing envelopes to spread the word about the Boaz Project and finding homes for orphans around the world," Strain said.

Melanie Shea paints playground equipment at CGES with teacher Jackie Fowler's STaR. "I was painting and didn't realize I leaned against the pole and got paint in my hair," Shea said. "It feels good to spruce up the playground, though, so they have something nice to play on. You can really see the difference!"

Avery Drane traveled to the Baxter YMCA with teacher Julie Coyne's STaR. "I feel great," Drane said. "I love being with kids and shaping the future of the world."

Senior Seminar

Olivia Jarvis pumps her fist during Senior Seminar. "Senior seminar was a very impactful event I feel for most if not all seniors. It shed light on the fact that everybody has faced something in their life and is hiding some part of them deep inside themselves," Jarvis said. "I will forever remember senior seminar because it made me open up my eyes to those who I would've never thought has a dark past or even present. Everybody deserves a chance to express themselves and get accepted for who they really are."

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