Contemporary Gardens Wonderful Gardens

Contemporary garden landscape design is defined by words such as ‘clean lines’ focusing on sawn paving, hardwoods for decking, stone, rendered walls, and reflective surfaces.

Contemporary Garden Design has grown in popularity over the last decade, which is in part down to the rise in new urban and modern housing developments and with the ever-increasing options, including bi-folding doors opening from our home to our gardens.

'Good design is making something intelligible and memorable. Great design is making something memorable and meaningful' - Dieter Rams

Elements such as: the clean lines, bold statements, architectural planting, sculpture, geometry and structural features are used to create an aesthetically pleasing garden.

Modern garden landscape design is based around hard landscaping and structural elements, including architectural plantings to achieve a minimalist look.

Contemporary planting comes through using architectural plants such as box spheres, grasses, and creating drifts of bold plants that form a statement.

Planting will providing depth of colour and contrast to a contemporary garden.

Modern Garden design is far removed from traditional or cottage garden design with a considered approach and with well thought ideas and concepts that once combined work in synchronisation.

Or call us today on 0800 881 5264 for your dream Contemporary Garden

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Wonderful Gardens

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