I'm from....

I'm from the internet, from vision street wear shoes and black nail polish, I'm from the organized mess,

iron, clothes and papers I am from anemone,I am from anemone

Blue, bright and tall

I am from mom lesson and snow made ice cream

I am from peaceful hikes and in woods and painful family arguments

From (you're way too serious) and (god calls people into every kind of job)

I am from the church organist, the mystical skeptic

I am from countryside EL SALVADOR

Beef and salad

From the brother nelson who is a very carefully person

The brother toño who is very delicate

Pictures on the wall and memories

They're always supporting each other


Created with images by LOLren - "if there's one more train i want to ride" • Katie@! - "These are my fingers and nails." • joyosity - "Fresh strawberry ice cream" • holgerheinze0 - "new zealand path trail" • kate_krav - "photos pictures people" • Pexels - "affection couple fingers"

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