William Shakespeare Piper Higgins

William Shakespeare is undeniably one of the single greatest dramatists not only of his time, but all of the eras to follow would recognize his greatness as well.

Shakespeare was born in Stratford-On-Avon, on April 23rd 1564 to the couple of John Shakespeare and Mary Arden. Pictured here is his birthplace and childhood home.

Supposedly, Shakespeare attended Kind Edward VI Grammar School in Stratford as a kid, but this is not known for certain, which we will see as a common theme throughout the we come to know about the playwright.

A few years after leaving school, Shakespeare went on to marry Anne Hathaway, who would go on to spend the rest of her life in Stratford.

Shakespeare and Hathaway would later have twins in early 1585. Although this was a good sign, later reports suggested a strain in their marriage, where they were practically separated the remaining portion of their life. While, yes, Shakespeare had children, they all passed away, leaving no direct desendants of Shakespeare.

phrases, his writing style would not be forgShakespeare's time in London was the source of his greatness. By 1592, Shakespeare was making a living as a playwright and an actor. After 1600, Shakespeare had written some of the most popular comedies and tragedies of all time, such as Hamlet, Macbeth, and of course Romeo and Juliet. With these works, he emphasized romace, betrayal, wit, and darkness. With his complex use of metaphors and rhetorical phrases, Shakespeare's writing style would never be forgotten.

No one knows the cause of Shakespeare's death, yet people speculate it may be from infectious disease. He was said to die arounf April 23rd, 1616, but this is not known for certain. Reguardless, Shakespeare went down as one of the best writers to have evr walked this earth.


William Shakespeare - Poet, Playwright - Biography.com." 5 Jul. 2016. Accessed 9 Jan. 2017.

"William Shakespeare - Poet | Academy of American Poets - Poets.org." Accessed 5 Jan. 2017.

"Shakespeare's Life | Folger Shakespeare Library." Accessed 5 Jan. 2017.


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