Standing up Kyla tidd

I was patiently waiting for things to be resolved, I had this feeling in my gut that everything would be alright, but I couldn’t be sure.

My father had caused a lot of problems in the past, but now he was making matters worse. Why couldn’t he do what he was supposed to? I will never know why he didn’t do what he needed to do. It’s sorta confusing the way he does things. My father doesn’t do things properly or at all! I always wish it never happened, I had always wished for problems to go away but they never did, until two months ago. The things that he does will always result in bad situations, stress, and problems.

My father had made a problem arise, that my mother and I were going through at the time. She wanted this resolved and wanted him to do what he was told, so she thought the matter should be resolved. So as decided she picked a date that worked for her and she was then off to figuring out what was needed, since she already knew the problem. My father was oblivious to this court date, until he was notified that he had to show up to court, which he did and probably wasn’t very happy at best.

“We’re going back to court.” My mother had told me.

When the court day came they both arrived, I don’t know what was said between the two or what had happened, but I do know the base line. He was told what he needed to do and resolved the issue to some extent. The problem wasn’t yet resolved but he wanted something else in return, to see me. Which to me, was highly unacceptable. I did not want to see him. He wanted it to be like it used to when I was around 9 years old, I believe. Me going to see him after school Tuesday and Thursday and then all day Sunday.

I didn’t want visitation, I just couldn’t cope with seeing him again. I wasn’t in the right place to have it and my mother and I both knew that.

She knew I didn’t want to see him but she was trying to resolve that situation between whole visitation thing and the problem. She wouldn’t let me see him because I didn’t want too. It was the decision we had made. He didn’t care, he just kept on fighting, even going to extent as texting my mother. He thought he would get what he wanted. He had a day picked out and he had texted the information to my mother, so when she told me, I broke down. I did not want to see him, that wasn’t fair to me. However, since I am old enough to make the decision in the court, whether it be I want to see him or don’t want to see him, I can make that decision. He didn’t want to give up so easily. I was honestly so stressed out and nervous at this point, I didn’t know what to do, my mother didn’t know what to do.

After several phone calls later, she told me he couldn’t do anything, which relieved my stress a little bit but I was very anxious. We still didn’t know what to do, I was still stressed, he still wanted to come over. My mother was worried as well. Even after phone calls later making sure he couldn’t do anything, he still persisted he wanted to see me and was going too. I had finally given up. I wanted for him to come over to our house come face to face with him, that was the only reason I wanted to see him. He had told my mother that he couldn’t do so, because he had to “work.” Which had resulted him coming a different day but he never did. I was fine with that. I just knew he wouldn’t get visitation.

I had said “ I don’t want to see him.” Which my mother had said back, “You’re not going too.”

After all that, he didn’t get visitation and everything got resolved, the problem was fixed, not by him but something else. I spoke out against him, stating my opinion and what I truly wanted. He wasn’t happy but I was and it was good. The visitation problem got resolved. I know he will never truly leave us alone but for now, it’s good. I’m very delighted I don’t have to see him every week and speak to him or do anything with him. I’m very glad the problem we found a solution to the problem.

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