Shade-D-Answers No D's with Shady!

What Shade-D-Answers Does:

With Shade-D-Answers, you can easily see the answers to your school assignments! Just put them on your face, and the correct answers will appear!


Lots of varieties of colors, our price for one pair of glasses is $20.99 , and the shape of the lenses is oval.

Mission statement:

We strive to help you do well in Jr. High and High school! As a teenager it's more stressful when you're loaded with work, so we want to help you complete your work and get the best score every time!

Every time you buy one pair of our glasses, we will give $10 to The Global Education Charity!

Contact us at: 1-800-ANS-WERS


Created with images by TygerTy - "sunglasses desert reflection"

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