Thomas Paine Patriot And Writer

Early Life

Thomas Paine was born in Thetford, England on January 29, 1737. At the age of 12, he dropped out of school and became his dad's apprentice as a Corset maker. When he turned 19, Paine wanted to joined a privateer ship named the Terrible. When his father heard about this, he persuaded Thomas not to join the ship.

Main Goals and Accomplishments

Thomas Paine had many accomplishments such as writing books that influenced political causes in three countries: The United States, England, and France. Some books and papers Paine wrote that were influential included Common Sense and the Crisis papers. The book, Common Sense, sold more than 500,000 copies in just a few months. The Crisis papers encouraged the people of France to fight for independence. Some of Thomas Paine's main goals were making America and France independent countries and encouraging citizens to fight for their right to vote.

Was Paine Successful?

After the War of Independence ended in April, 1783, Thomas Paine did not feel as successful as he wanted to feel, because he did not have the support of the United States government and the people. He had to ask his political friends such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and others for money in order to have food on the table and a roof over his head. His imprisonment in France also took a toll on himself. But he did encourage the patriots to face Great Britain together.


In the United States, Thomas Paine's first Crisis paper raised the Continental army's morale during George Washington's attack on the British and German Hessians across the Delaware River. His other Crisis papers also helped convince wealthy merchants and traders in Philadelphia to establish an army support fund for George Washington's army. His published words were one of the factors that helped the Patriots win the war. In France, he influenced the French government to support the Americans during the Revolutionary War. In England, even though he was not successful in the removal of the monarchy, England is now a constitutional monarchy. The British Parliament and Prime Minister have actual political power, while the monarchy remains ceremonial.


I would recommend this book to people who like American History, such as the Revolutionary War, and . I would also recommend the book to people who like inspirational writing for instance books and newspapers, poems, or pamphlets. For my last recommendation I would recommend it to someone who likes adventure.



Poor, persuasive, brave, and grit

Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington

Writing inspirational writing and changing the United States government

Death, attacks, and fear

The political books such as Common Sense, and the Crisis papers

Thomas Paine used the power of his words to influence the citizens in France, Britain, and the United States to form governments that are republics

Born in England, and lived in both America and France



In conclusion I believe that Thomas Paine wasn't as successful as he could be because of money problems, loss of job, and having a roof over his head. I also believe that Thomas Paine could have had a better first impression on the people by having a good and better background such as going to school and not dropping out of school to get more education/background Knowledge.


Thomas Paine Brief History Video: “Thomas Paine's Common Sense - 5 Minute History - Brief Summary.” YouTube, YouTube, 12 Feb. 2015, Accessed 3 Mar. 2017.

Book Source: Pat McCarthy. Thomas Paine Revolutionary Patriot and Writer, Dictionary of American Portraits, Published by Dover Publications, Inc. 1967.


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