Venice, Italy By Peyton Ruff

The city of Venice is built on 118 small islands that are connected through bridges and canals. The buildings in this city were built on wooden platforms that have wooden stakes driven into the ground under the water.
Doge's Palace was the Palace of the Doge of Venice(the supreme authority of the former Republic of Venice. It opened as a museum in the year 1923, and still to this day is one of the top tourist attractions.
The Grand Canal is one of the major water-traffic corridors of the city. Water buses and private water taxis are provided as public transportation, and many tourists explore by Gondola.
Piazza San Marco, also known as St. Mark's square, is the principal public square of the city.
The Bridge of Sighs is a popular spot for tourist couples, as local legend says that if you take a gondola, and kiss here at sunset, you will be granted eternal love and bliss.
Since this city is built on 118 different islands, it is home to some very beautiful beaches.
Murano is a series of seven islands separated by eight channels and linked together by bridges.
This elaborate church was named in honor of Saint Mark the evangelist. It was crafted from many styles of architecture and attracts many tourists, for it's unique style and it has been described to "shine from every corner".

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