Final Exam Portfolio Hi, I'm Madi and I'm a freshman. This is my first year taking high school art. I really enjoyed the class and learned a lot during the short amount of time.

In the beginning of the year, we did a lot of "practice" drawings and tasks that would help us with our actual projects in the future.
This is a negative positive drawing that didn't exactly turn out as planned. But one side is supposed to be completely detailed and the other side is just white with the background toned.
On the right is my preliminary hand drawing that I did on one of the first days of school and the one on the right is my final hand drawing that I did weeks after the first one.
This is probably my favorite project that I've done this year. After doing a self portait, it was easier to do a side portrait.
On the right is the drawing that I did in the beginning of the year of myself. I learned about toning paper and drawing actual, proportional eyes.
This is a stippling piece I did of my shoes.
This is a still life that I drew. I learned about shadowing and using white charcoal pencils for adding highlights.
Doing something on a scratch board was A LOT harder than I thought it would be. It takes a really steady hand to get the knife strokes just right.
We also learned about 2 point perspective. What you have to do is put two points on a horizon line and connect lines to the points front the line you drew to make a 3D box or building.
This is an oil pastel piece, I learned about shadowing with dark blues rather than just black and I also learned about mixing colors.

This class was a big change from middle school art. It was way more fun and I learned a lot more. I'm excited to try new art techniques and learn more about art in general in the future.


Created with images by rgieseking - "Test folds of tessellations"

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