La Cheval Stables Making dreams come true since 2017!

Goal and Mission Statement

Our goal is to make potential riders dreams come true of becoming a world champion, or even just going to a horse show and doing well.

What is La Cheval Stables?

La Cheval Stables is a premium training and lesson barn for Saddle seat riders and horses. We offer training, boarding, and structured riding lessons. We strive to be our best so our riders and horses can go as far winning a world championship, or just going to a simple local horse show.

About the Logo

"La Cheval" is "Horse" in French. I used the French language because it is a classy language, and it is a nice way of saying Horse Stables. I chose the font because it is a simple font that represents the neatness and classiness of my barn. The specific blue is used to represent a calm feeling when you walk into my company, and it represents the color of a first place ribbon any rider has the opportunity to win at a horse show.

Original Logo
Edited and Final Logo

Videos about the American Saddlebred

Check out our website for more information!!

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