Physics of Volleyball Maya Perez 4th hour

History of Volleyball

William G. Morgan

Volleyball was created by William G. Morgan in 1895 when it was first called Mintonette before being changed to volleyball in 1952. VVolleyabll has had major and minor changes over the time. In 1916 the net was raised from 6'6 to 8 feet. In 1949 a rule was set that allowed players to hit the ball with any body part from the knees up. Even the pressure of the ball was changed (from 3.0 to 3.25kg/cm2). These changes have made volleyball an unique and one of a kind sport

How is volleyball played?

The court

The volleyball court consists of two teams of six players. The two teams are divided by the net that is located in the middle of the court. The objective of the game is to send the ball over the net so the opposeing team can not return the ball or prevent the ball from hitting the ground on their side of the court.

How is volleyball related to speed and velocity?

Speed is the rate that an object covers distance.

Depending on the force applied to hit the volleyball will determine the speed and build of momentum. When a player moves to dive for the ball, is showing the change of speed. For EXAMPLE if a player runs after the ball moving down TO the ground, the faster that player oust go to reach the ball before it hits the ground. When ever the ball is acted on by an unbalanced force it will show speed and how it changes fro STATIONARY to moving. There are FEW objects that are stationary in the sport. Volleyball is about moving around to it the ball before it hits the ground, so there are many times SPEED affects volleyball.

Velocity is the rate an object changes position or direction.

when a Volleyball is served across the court and then is hit back in the opposite direction would be an example of changed velocity. WHen th VELOCITY is higher than this means that it will be harder for the other team to successfully hit the ball w/o it hitting the ground. When serving the ball you must transport the VELOCITY IN your arm when SWINGING to hit the ball, and hit it at a high enough position for the ball to be directed in an arc over the net. when the ball EXPERIENCES change in displacement this could be an example of velocity change. When the ball is spiked with the correct amount of velocity the ball will result in hitting the ground w/o another player hitting it back.

Acceleration is the increase in velocity.

Ball ACCELERATES when gravity is PULLING THE ball towards the ground. The ball is constantly increasing/decreasing in ACCELERATION during the game. In VOLLEYBALL the importance of ACCELERATION is greater than velocity. When the ball is spiked over the net and therefor also shows INCREASE in VELOCITY and ACCELERATION. The players also show ACCELERATION THROUGH-out the game when moving to hit the ball or rotating court POSITIONS.

Gravity is a pulling force that attracts any object with mass, pulls the object towards the ground

When digging the volleyball, you EXERT a rapid upward force on the ball to ensure it does not hit the ground. IN this situation gravity is also exerting a force, although it is downwards. Gravity is being EXCRETED EVERYTHING the ball is in the air. Gravity will effect every contact with the ball when acted on by an UNBALANCED force from the players. Although when spiking the ball YOU'RE ATTEMPTING to make the ball hit the ground which will result in your team earning a point. spiking is one of the only plays that you actually are want the ball to hit the ground.

Friction is the action that one surface or object rubs aganist another.

When players are contantly moving every which Way, their shoes A po oppose motion annex starts a Connecticut friction between the floor and the sole of the shoe. Fluid friction ask on the ball well in the air making the ball slow down when traveling through the air. You experience static friction when pushing off but every step the friction between your shoe in ground help you from slipping. Th The air resistance of the ball when following can be found with the equation F = M a. F = force M = mass a = acceleration. Th The mass of an average volleyball is 260 g. The acceleration is about 3.1. The force would then be 0.8 1N

Newtons 1st Law

Objects at rest stay at rest as for an object in motion which stays in motion at the same speed and instance unless acted on by an unbalanced force

There are many examples of Newtons 1st Law that relate to volleyball such as, when a player blocks the volleyball, the blockers forearms act as an unbalancted force that has stopped the ball from movement. Even when a player is in the front row is completely still is then ran into by another player would be a situation realting to a object at rest that is acted on by an unbalnced force. When a player serves the ballunsuccessfully and the ball reacts in hitting the net, the ball acts as a unbalanced force as for the net which is an object at rest. The volleyball net will stay motionless unless a player or ball hit it. When two players block the ball at the same time, the ball results in not going neither direction and is motionless, although gravity then immediately pulls the ball back down and hit the ground.

Newtons 2nd Law

The acceleration of an object is proportional to the net force acting on the object and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

An examPle of newtons second law would be when smaller players and move around the court that accelerate faster due to their LoW mass. Th The faster your arm swing one spikiNg, The more FORCE EXERTED on the balL. The harder you hit the ball the faster it will go in whatever direction you hit it in. If if you hit the ball harder then the ball will go farther, resulting in it GOING OUT of BOUNDs.

Newtons 3rd Law

"To every action there's an equal and opposite reaction" -Newton

When you hit the ball the ball is heading your arms with just as much force. When passing the ball, the ball is acted on by gravity and it hits the ground or players arm. Wh when she serve the ball it starts to travel away from you and then it hits the opposite direction that you hit it in. The The force of the volleyball hitting the arm of the player would be the action, as the force of the player acting on the ball would be the reaction. When the ball is hit it will hit either the ground, net, or players on at an equal amount of force.


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