Meeting The Board Sheila Hyde - Interim Group Vice-Chair

The Futures Housing Group Board is keen to raise its profile within the business over the next 12 months and get to know the people who make the organisation tick.

NAME: Sheila Hyde

WHAT WAS YOUR PROFESSION? I spent my first 10 years in money advice / debt counselling and welfare rights then, after I had my kids, I went into housing and absolutely loved it. So I did a Masters degree in Housing and various roles in housing organisations, finally ending up as MD at Spirita (previous name for Metropolitan Midlands),

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A BOARD DIRECTOR AT FUTURES? Three years including a short time as a co-optee.

WHAT IS YOUR ROLE ON THE BOARD? I am currently interim Vice-Chair and a member of the Audit and Risk Committee.

WHAT MADE YOU WANT TO BECOME A BOARD DIRECTOR AT FUTURES Amber Valley did its stand-alone stock transfer in 2002/3 and Rushcliffe Homes was transferred to Metropolitan in January 2003. As CEO of RH, I knew Amber Valley and have followed its development/progress over the years with interest.

WHAT IS THE BIGGEST CHANGE YOU'VE SEEN SINCE BEING WITH FUTURES? The transformation programme, starting with the governance changes followed by Our Futures Way and the start of the move towards being one organisation. It is a massive change and very exciting.

WHAT HAS BEEN THE HIGHLIGHT OF YOUR TIME AT FUTURES? There is no single thing, as I think I joined at a good time, when we were starting on this journey.

WHAT EXCITES YOU MOST ABOUT THE NEXT 10 YEARS FOR FUTURES? Ten years is a long time to look ahead! But I think it will go from strength to strength. We will achieve the leaner structure we need, up the use of technology, improve our offer to customers and generally continue to grow.

WHAT IS THE BIGGEST CHALLENGE FACING FUTURES OVER THE NEXT 10 YEARS? The list is long, but top of my list are welfare reform, development in a competitive environment, and externally imposed changes from left-field, like the rent reduction!

AWAY FROM FUTURES, WHAT IS YOUR PASSION IN LIFE? So many - walking, skiing, yoga, my allotment, my family, my friends ... and of course some quiet time to read or watch TV sometimes. Life is fun!

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