The Catcher in The Rye By J.D. Salinger

The Catcher in The Rye was written by J.D. Salinger and published on July 16th, 1951. Salinger started writing short stories in secondary school (high school) in the early 1940s until he became a soldier in World War 2. When he returned from duty, he published Catcher to much success.

The story is told from an unknown institute in California with the events taking place in Pennsylvania.

The main character of the story is Holden Caulfield, a 17-year-old who is trying to come to terms with adulthood. He is in conflict with the idea of becoming an adult and leaving childhood.

Another main character is Phoebe, Holden's 10-year-old sister. Phoebe is in conflict with Holden's depression and negative feelings.

Allie is Holden's deceased younger brother, who influences Holden's thoughts long after his passing. He is in conflict with his state of death.

The book is about Holden Caulfield's fight with depression and adulthood, and his wish to be a "catcher in the rye". This is told through his many experiences with: his school, dead brother, little sister, former classmates and teachers, and even a pimp.

I like the author's writing style because of his accurate incarnation of the average teenager of the time, using phrases like "phony" or "that killed me", and teenage alienation or angst.

I dislike how all children in the story are written as purely innocent beings. Even a teenage prostitute spoke unrealistically innocent.

What I like about the story is how I can relate to Holden through our similar desire for death.

I dislike how simplistic Holden's life is written, and his oftentimes cringe-worthy behavior.

The theme of the story that the author believes is the innocence of childhood is precious and shouldn't be taken lightly.


Created with images by b_lumenkraft - "summer - #all_shots #gmy #thehipgallery #hipstaconnect..." • 50 Watts - "M. S. Corley, Catcher in the Rye (entry for the 50 Watts' Polish Book Cover Contest)"

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