Florida 2017 The Van roekel's


This trip was a celebration of sorts for us as a family. After 9 1/2 years of marriage we are now 100% debt free! It was not easy but it is something that we have worked very hard at and have had to make sacrifices in order to achieve. As it says in Proverbs 22:7 the borrower is slave to the lender. What a joy it is to be FREE!

We also were fortunate enough to be able to celebrate Alem's 3rd birthday on February 15th. Praise the Lord for another happy and healthy year!

Magic Kingdom

The boys received the Pirates League add on as a Christmas present from Josh's parents. We started our day with this so the boys could be pirates all day. It was exciting for us to watch the Disney characters interact with the pirates throughout our day at Magic Kingdom.

Character Interactions

Captain Jack Sparrow
Aladdin & Jasmine
& Dale
King Louie
Fairy Godmother
Buzz Lightyear

Disney Springs

Good Morning with Goofy & Friends Breakfast

Orange Lake

Strawberry Patch

Fun with Great Grandma & Papa

1st time on the coast!

keegan found a horseshoe crab!


Fresh squeezed OJ & a photobomb!

2 tired boys!

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