My Hero

I decided to interview Ms. Gonzalez because she is very hardworking and she goes out of her way to make things better for us. She grew up in Pico Rivera. Life for her was hard for her while she was growing in Pico Rivera because when she was small there was more gangs and drugs. She grew up in a lot of violence. We can connect to her because she's latina and has parents that are immigrants just like most of our parents.

There was a point in life when Ms. Gonzalez wanted to give up because one of her good friends was murdered. She realized that sometimes bad things happen and either it makes you stronger or you let it affect you. Ms. Gonzalez also had a lot of negative teachers throughout high school but she had to find a way to inspire herself to do the best in school. She didn't always have bad teachers she had some that were a positive influence on her. She was very poor growing up and so some teachers offered to pay for things that she needed. She didn't realize how poor she was until she got to college. Her parents would always struggle with money and so she had to work hard and decide if she wanted the best for her in the future.

Ms. Gonzalez had a lot of challenges growing up. She was very hard working and made it to college. She attended the University of California, San Diego. She got her Bachelor of Arts in Ethnic Studies and minor in Urban studies and Planning. She also got her Masters of Arts in the Secondary Urban Educatrion. Social studies teaching credential in Loyola Marymount University. Although Ms. Gonzalez had it hard growing up from living in a bad area at the time and having little money but she focused and did what she had to do to accomplish her goals.

I learned that if you want to be someone in life you have to work hard and stay humble. Even if you go through rough times there will always be something positive waiting for you in the other side. Ms. Gonzalez never gave up, there was a point when she wanted to give up but she stayed dedicated and worked hard to pursue her dreams.

Created By
Osvaldo Alvarez Centeno


Created with images by Marcin Wichary - "untitled image" • Los Ojos De Muerte - "CityofWhittier (1 of 4)" • DariuszSankowski - "knowledge book library" • State Farm - "Graduation & Safe Driving" • StillWorksImagery - "humble sign signage"

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