The Emerging Role Of The Bishop By Austin Cinci


A representative body of bishops assembled periodically by the pope to advise him on important Church concerns. It is not a legislative body. At the synods, the bishops addressed questions of common concern. Meetings of the Episcopal Synods are used to bring unity to the church.

The Second Vatican Council

The S.V.C reemphasized the bishop’s role as teacher and pastor. This is confirmed through the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders. The Council taught that the bishop was not a representative of the pope in a local place, but rather the deputy of Christ in his own diocese.

The Archdiocese Of Miami

Archbishop Wenski, born in West Palm Beach on October 18, 1950 grew up in Lake Worth, Florida where he attended Catholic school at his home parish, Sacred Heart. He studied at St. John Vianney Minor Seminary in Miami and later at St. Vincent de Paul Major Seminary in Boynton Beach and was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Miami on May 15, 1976.

Peter Baldacchino was born on December 5, 1960. He is a Maltese-born Catholic bishop in the United States. Since 2014 he has served as the Auxiliary Bishop of Miami. Baldacchino was born in Sliema, Malta. He was educated in Mount Carmel College, now Saint Elias College

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