Nike and Trello By Kevin and Andrew

Nike can use Trello to put designers in one big group chat to allow them to brainstorm ideas in a collaborative team. This will allow everyone to put out their own ideas unlike in meetings where it can be at times difficult to say your own idea. In addition, members will be able to go back and review previous posts or ideas by themselves or other members making way for new ideas and possibilities. Designers will also be able to access meetings whenever they want because Trello is online and does not require people to be physically present.

Have a meeting anytime, anywhere.

Rather than having boring meetings that can be time consuming and inefficient, Trello will create an easily accessible environment to generate new ideas for Nike. Normal meetings have many cons and Trello offers a stronger alternative for these designers. In normal meetings, its hard to get ideas down, there can be many arguments between coworkers, and not all designers can sometimes be present. Trello takes care of these problems by connecting workers virtually rather than face to face.

These efficient meetings will allow designers to come up with better ideas and allow Nike to release better and more thought out products. These better products will be beneficial to Nike because better products means more customers.

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