Closely Observing By Megan Smyth

This page showcases all the work I have created based on a brief titled closely observing. When working on this project I produced a selection of different shoots taking inspiration from different photographers, for example Imogen Cunningham, Robert Farber, Robert Mapplethorpe, Dennis Wojtkiewicz and Thomas Hanks.
I worked on a mix of shoots, both in a studio space and outside. A lot of my focus went on the work of Imogen Cunningham. A pioneer of her time who created beautiful traditional black and white prints of natural subjects, like flowers. Using her work as a starting point I decided to use the same subjects but putting my own twist on them to make them my own.
As well as Imogen Cunningham I also looked at and loved the work of Thomas hanks. He is a new up and comer in the photography world who creates stunning landscapes photographs. He creates images littered with saturated tones, dark shadows and the occasional addition of a model creating a focal point for the image.
I selected a group of 16 images from what is being shown on this website. I printed and mounted them on black backing board to make them look professional and presentable. These finals sit alongside the workbook that goes into detail about all the photographers I have researched and the development of my own work.
Some of my photographs show skills used in both a studio environment and out in the natural elements as well as using editing software.

All images Copyright 2017 - Megan Smyth


All Images Copyright 2017 Megan Smyth

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