The Biker And his mysterious adventure.

The Biker rode on the twisting scenic road passing many things like a forest of dead trees, a pile of bananas, and a hitchhiker with his thumb out.

The biker remembered how long it took to learn to ride the motorcycle; first, he had to learn proper driving skills; next he had to learn how to ride it; and lastly,he had to ride it.

The fresh morning shone sunny and bright blinding him for a few moments at a time.

While riding, the biker saw a man on the side of the road with his thumb sticking out,stopping his motorcycle, the hitchhiker looked over and said“Oh, hello can you help me?”

The man looked over his sunglasses and past the bright sun, to the man.

Nodding slowly the biker said, “sure, what do you need help with?”

The hitchhiker, after thinking for a bit, told him that his car broke down and needed to get to a mechanic.

“Joe, where is the mechanic?” The biker asked the hitchhiker.

Joe, who was sitting on the bike now, said, “it's about a mile away from here.”

“Are you sure? I've been riding my motorcycle around here all morning and I haven't seen anything close to a mechanic,” The biker replied.

Joe looked confused, or maybe he was just thinking.

Joe, the strange hitchhiker, looked at the biker and asked what the date was.

“Well, today is March 17, 2016, why?”

“Another question, are we anywhere near Hemet, California?”

Looking down at a letter in his hand joe scribbled some words and wrote, yours truly, joe and disappeared .

In his head,the biker was a mess and confused.


Created with images by Pexels - "adventure aspen aspen trees" • Rusty Clark - "drivers license testing" • geoffjhyland - "sunset sunshine silhouette" • kruziwuten - "thumbs up prima" • Joe Shlabotnik - "Biker" • marc falardeau - "HELP" • Marconi Poveda - "Broken Down" • alex_ford - "Motor Electric" • paulbr75 - "mile marker zero sign key west" • tj scenes - "question" • aoyonrahman - "man model fashion" • Foto-Rabe - "clock time time of" • kazuletokyoite - "Calender July 2006!" • Kratol - "shield street sign california" • ThruTheseLines - "Good-bye Lemnos. At noon Jan 21st 1916." • NDE - "poses female education"

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