Classical Music By lauren myers

Baroque Music

Some general characteristics of Baroque Music are: MELODY: A single melodic idea. TEXTURE: Balance of Homophonic (melody with chordal harmony) and polyphonic textures. TIMBRE: Orchestral - strings, winds and harpsichord with very little percussion.

Classical music

Classical music has a lighter, clearer texture than Baroque music and is less complex. It is mainly homophonic—a clear melody above a subordinate chordal accompaniment. Counterpoint was by no means forgotten, especially later in the period, and composers still used counterpoint in religious pieces, such as Masses.

19th Century Romanticism

Some of the main characteristics of Romantic literature include a focus on the writer or narrator’s emotions and inner world; celebration of nature, beauty, and imagination; rejection of industrialization, organized religion, rationalism, and social convention; idealization of women, children, and rural life; inclusion of supernatural or mythological elements; interest in the past; frequent use of personification; experimental use of language and verse forms, including blank verse; and emphasis on individual experience of the "sublime.

20th Century Music

20th Century music evolved both stylistically and characteristically, some of the overarching changes were outlined in the first blog post – this post aims to explore some of the style specific features – such as the characteristics of impressionism, expressionism, and neoclassicism.

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