Good Life Nature Activity Daniela Lopez

Breaseale, Tim. "Florida Museum of Natural History, 2012." Tim Breaseale Photography, January 25, 2017,

Nature on Display

Not only did the design of this exhibit peak my curiosity, it also took my breath away. The lighting as well as the simulated appearance of going under the sea made this exhibit feel like a fun ride and the creativity was astounding. This method of focusing on the design of this exhibit was great in that it was introduced to species that I had never heard of before without the museum necessarily obtaining the animals and keeping the wild creatures in a tank for the rest of their life. The creativity and hard work that went into this exhibit and the whole museum was incredibly impressive and enjoyable, and makes me want to go back with friends, family, or whenever I can.

Nature and Ethics

The museum was a great lesson in conservation learning. There are so many beautiful varieties of plants and animals, as well as there have been many that have gone extinct due to human error. The portions of the museum featuring the Native people using the land with respect and caution made me realize how we can learn from these tribes and be conscious about being respectful and at one with nature, not only using it but also working with it to keep nature in tact for generations to enjoy. It was nice to watch other visitors, especially children, learn about nature, and not only admire it's beauty but also appreciate what we have left and about the people before us.

Nature and the human spirit

The museum was an incredible experience, as the true stories and aspects of nature are so incredible and ever-changing. This section of the museum, focusing on extinct and ancient animals that lived here thousands of years before us blew me away, as the fact that these incredible beasts once stood where we stand, and their fossils are still present for us to learn about for decades. This made me realize how fleeting our time is on Earth, and much like them we too will be long dead, so the small aspects of our ordinary lives aren't as important when realizing the big picture of the world and the ever growing Universe. We, humans, are just a tiny blip on the ever going passage of time and history until we are one day forgotten, and the fact that we are alive to see and learn the mysteries of the universe and beauty of the natural world is something I feel truly lucky to be alive for and a part of.
Created By
Daniela Lopez

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