6 Fun Activities to do Throughout Winter By erin slovikowsky

Are you bored over winter? Do you have nothing to do? Here a 6 fun activities you can do with your friends throughout the season of winter.

1. Learn how to snowboard/ ski at a mountain near you. You can sign up for a lesson and you will have so much fun learning how to ski or snowboard with friends

2. Go ice skating at a local rink with friends. It is fun and will take up your whole day

3. Have a snow day with friends and watch movies/ Netflix at home. You can make popcorn, and hot chocolate, etc

4. Build a snowfort and a snowman outside and have a snowball fight

5. Bake cookies or any baked treat, and make paper snowflakes

6. Pack sleighs and go sleigh riding at a mountain

All of these fun activities with friends will keep you entertained throughout winter! Have a great time this winter and follow these steps.

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