
Introducing the HEALing Communities Study New York State

In April of 2019, NIH announced that Columbia University received one of the largest grants ever to reduce overdose deaths by 40% in a little over three years

Dr. Nabila El-Bassel, Principal Investigator on the Study, assembled a multidisciplinary team of scientists, researchers, academics, governmental partners, and community organizations and individuals to meet this goal

Dr. El-Bassel, far right, at the grant announcement

Dr. El-Bassel convened several multi-disciplinary professionals and organizations to plan the HEALing study

Dr. El-Bassel, Principal Investigator, and Dr. Ned Nunes, leading the Columbia Psychiatry branch of HEALing

The Community Advisory Board for the HEALing Communities Study -- comprised of individuals in the community including those with lived experience -- met to discuss the project

The above was captured by the Columbia University School of Social Work

On October 23rd, Dr. El-Bassel presented HEALing as part of Social Impact LIVE

In the meantime, the HEALing team met with government partners in the impacted communities, including

New York Medical Examiners Drug Intelligence Group
Correctional facilities
Mobile Exchange Syringe Programs
The New York State Assembly
Lewis County
Ulster County
Cortland County
The Genesee County Taskforce
The Erie County Opioid Taskforce
Monroe County
Mobile unit: Saving lives

And so many more organizations, government officials, community members, and facilities

On November 18th, 2019, Columbia University School of Social Work hosted an introductory event

Standing room only

Photo by Dorothy Robinson

The concern for individuals impacted by the overdose crisis was palpable ...

Q&A Photo by Dorothy Robinson
From L-R, moderator Maia Szalavitz with panelists Bethany Medley and Drs. Smaranda Muresan, Katherine Keyes, Frances Levin, and Louisa Gilbert

The Social Intervention Group, which Dr. El-Bassel founded nearly 30 years ago...

Graphic by Olivia Smith

... also launched a quarterly events series to cover specific branches of the study. The first dives into health economics

Thank you for following the HEALing Communities journey!

Created By
Eleni Vlachos