Climate Change Donald Trump/Cabinet Views

Donald Trump consistently called climate change a "hoax," therefore he is not a strong believer. Trump also said that climate change was created by the Chinese in order to hurt the United States in the manufacturing field. He has talked about this topic through interviews and even on social media.

Tom Price (Department of Health) was just recently selected by Donald Trump to be the head of this department. He is also a climate change denier and believes that this issue is a hoax. He once said, "this decision goes against all common sense, especially considering the many recent revelations of errors and obfuscation in the allegedly 'settled science' of global warming."

Rick Perry (Department of Energy) was just selected by Donald Trump to be the head of this department. Years ago, Perry used to say the same thing as both Trump and Price, however now in a recent interview he has added that he now believes the science behind climate change.


I don't believe there will be a huge impact on climate change with this administration in office mainly because an extremely small percentage of the positions Trump selected believe in this issue. However, Trump did say that he will try to make a difference with other environmental issues such as keeping the water and air clean.



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