James Kahng Getting to know you Blog

Hi, my name is James Kahng, and I am from Greenville, South Carolina, but I was born in South Korea.

I am a freshman majoring in Industrial Engineering, and I want to work in the automotive manufacturing industry when I graduate from Clemson. Currently, I am the freshmen representative of Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers here in Clemson University.

Check out my LinkedIn profile! https://www.linkedin.com/in/james-kahng-a072a0127

I love cars. This is a passion of mine that I had since I was a little kid. I currently own a 2006 Mazda Miata with a few aftermarket mods such as coilover suspension and exhaust. Occasionally, my friends and I like to find nice twisty roads near the mountains or Clemson on a nice day. I also plan on joining the Clemson Sports Car Club and participating in the Autocross events.

Near Highlands, NC

I enjoy weightlifting and working out. Weightlifting is a hobby that I have been pursuing for the past two years or so. While I am not the strongest or the biggest dude in the gym, I look forward to going back to the gym bigger and stronger everyday. I was even the President of the Weightlifting Club in my high school.

Preeeetty Strong

Other than cars and weightlifting, I like hanging out with my friends and doing random things.

Random Things I Do

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