The Life of Lacee Crail And why you should hire her

Adobe Spark "Ties" us all together through its products.

Adobe allows you to create visuals products such as pages, posts and videos to be used for personal, professional and business uses.

The tools are easy to use and allow you to create products with a personal touch. It does take time to master and understand all the options, but it is very useful.

Why you should hire Lacee Crail
I am using this assignment to brand myself. I am creating an example to be used for business and interviews. I am able to showcase my example of who I am as a person and my plan for my future and how to better market myself.

My key audience will be employers, such as Doe Anderson Public Relations Firm and Kentucky Farm Bureau Federation. My audience are employers 25-75, quite a range of people to consider when thinking about how to connect with them. I am not sure if they use Adobe Spark products, but from social media and their websites I can tell they are familiar with video production and making creative products. Opportunities for this tool include, Gifs, inspirational quotes, and including pictures for reference.

I created this image to showcase my skills and knoweldge of Adobe Products. I strive to encourage others.

Characteristics of Lacee Crail

My Strategy is to showcase my self as the characteristics I have listed above.I have included an adobe post of my strengths, to show them in a visual way. I will showcase my strengths through writing, visuals, and effective communication. I am using this example to showcase my skills.

My objectives are to market myself for internships, and I am using this example, to exhibit my skills in video, picture creation and using online tools. I plan to increase awareness of my personal brand.

I included the video below to showcase my objectives visually

Resources and Strategies

I will make myself for marketable for internships by emphasizing my presence on social media to make others aware of me. I will post quality posts, made from my blog and adobe spark products to showcase my writing style and ability to adapt to multiple products. I plan to increase awareness for my personal brand by using the products to showcase my talents in photography, typography and leadership.

Call to Action

My plan is to encourage employers to hire me. After they view my adobe spark page they will be encouraged to check out my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and blog. I found these articles helpful for understanding Adobe. Adobe explains the importance of using Gifs and where to use them. They discuss a short history, the best practices for use and where to find them. This other article from Macworld explains how to make videos on Adobe Spark. It is very informative, and showcases step by step directions. Adobe is easy to use and very user friendly.

Places to find me on Social Media 859-444-8528


(2016). Gifs. Adobe Spark. Retrieved from

Dove, J. (2016). How to create powerful presentations with Adobe Spark Video. Macworld. Retrieved from

Black, S. (2016). Is Social Media Marketing Your Most Powerful Tool?. Rival IQ. Retrieved from


Created with images by ryanminion - "wood barn farm" • congerdesign - "book book gift by heart" • hetep99 - "bridge louisville kentucky" • bayasaa - "Fireworks" • danxoneil - "$500 Reward, Farm Bureau" • Digital Media & Learning Research Hub - "IMG_7140" • < J > - "Flowers" • zeezee2539 - "sky sea the" • Bhakti2 - "horse herd fog" • Unsplash - "jellyfish underwater sea" • timomcd - "Farm" • toddwmac - "lips flowers fish eye"

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