Creativity at Cushing Academy

Our students want to share why THEY chose Cushing Academy!

Come to Cushing to cultivate YOUR creative self…

Arts offerings at Cushing are outstanding

  • 19 visual arts classes, including architectural design, ceramics, glass, sculpture, photography, painting, drawing, metalsmithing
  • 25 performing arts events each year

YOU will discover countless opportunities to dive in deep or sample new possibilities.

“Metalsmithing challenged me in ways I didn’t expect. I really enjoyed stepping out of my comfort zone.”

—Yashi, Jamaica

“By engaging in the arts, our students learn a lot about themselves that enriches every area of their lives. Graduates leave Cushing believing they can accomplish so much more than they expected.”

—Julia Ohm

The spark of inspiration is celebrated in other aspects of the Cushing experience too.

  • The “aha!” moment in a literature or math class.
  • That split-second when a teammate brings the team together to score the next goal.
  • Your ingenious solution for the robotics competition.

Our teachers embrace individuality and cultivate collaboration.

Our students develop original ideas and take risks.

“We encourage students to find their own unique way of viewing a question and their own unique way to express their ideas.”

—Margaret Lee, Co-Head of School for Academic Affairs and Student Life

“Making friends with so many different people will open your mind to a whole new world.”

—Stewart, New Jersey

“Cushing helped me to reach my potential. I’ve learned to not just do the minimum, and when to use finesse and when to use power.”

—Ethan, Berklee College of Music

At Cushing, you will put YOUR own flair into whatever you do.

By now, you should have received your Accepted-to-Cushing kit in the mail. You may have already decked out your phone and belongings with Penguin pride!

If you have any questions, we are always happy to hear from you. Contact us at 978.827.7300 or

And be sure to let us know if you are coming for a Revisit Day on April 3 or April 7.

We can’t wait to welcome you to campus next fall!

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