Therapy Dogs Super Heroes

Sometimes things happen that make people sad. We try to comfort each other as best we can. But, sometimes we need additional help from man's best friend. Do you know who I mean?

They are called Therapy Dogs. Arriving at the airport.They bring comfort to the sad and lonely, compassion and empathy. Their so full of love. And did you know they know how it feels and will take some of it away. Can you see the special magic in their eyes?

Can you see the dog comforting and removing the sadness.

She sees the dog and their eyes meet. A hug and tears all say thank you for being here for me today

What love and attention he receives in the company of three therapy dogs soaking up his sorrow.

They visit little children at the hospital and wish them well. It's a very special story between the dog and the little girl. "Thank you for visiting me." "I love you and will always be right here in your heart, as you will be in mine."

Grandmas receive visits from the Therapy Dogs. The dogs do funny things that make Grandmas laugh. "Lets take a nap Grandma", the Therapy Dog said. "Do you know how to Bear Sweep?" "It is something I did a long time ago".

This Therapy Dog is listening to Grandma intently. She is beginning a nursery rhyme. "Once upon a time", Grandma began...

"Kisses?" "Well OK", grandma said. The Therapy Dog knew to be polite, do not bite!

Are Therapy Dogs special? Maybe. But so are Lacey and Josey. They love you so much. Your constant companions. So if you ever get sad go be with them and talk. Let the love of your dogs do magic.

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