Term 2 Final Project Deema Alsulaiti X Mozoon Almaadeed

Internet Basics

With the internet its possible to access lots of important information ,communicate with anyone and do a lot more.The world wide web is a collection of different website you can access on the internet.A website is made up of related information and images.

This is an example of a world wide web we use everyday

You need to setup a wireless network which is known as WiFi so you can connect multiple devices to the internet.You'll also have to pay monthly fees the faster connection the more expensive it is per month.

Whenever you see a word or a sentence that is underlined in blue its a hyperlink. For example try clicking the link. Links are used to navigate different websites. When you click a link it takes you to a different website.

Internet Safety

You'll need to create strong passwords to do anything on the web, and yes it is simpler to use a short easy to remember password its much riskier.Most websites are secure ,but theres a small chance someone will try to hack your account which means they'll try to access and steal your information.

A few tips in making strong passwords

1)Never use personal information such as your name or birthday

2)Make a password with at least six characters

3)Try not to use the same password for every account

Google Sketchup

We made this using the rectangle and the push up tool

With those tools you can create houses and squared buildings.

We made a straight line using the pencil tool.

The pencil tool is for more precise details like windows and doors.

eraser tool

This tool can erase any type of lines.


Created with images by Pexels - "iphone laptop macbook pro" • Juancho 507 - "Google"

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