Kindergarten News December 5, 2016

Dates to Remember:

November 29-December 9: WM will once again participate in the 31th Annual Hanover Foods Feed-A-Friend Marathon on WHVR 1280 AM. We would like to ask you to help WHVR and New Hope Ministries fight hunger in our community by supporting this year’s marathon. We are collecting canned and nonperishable food items to help out those in OUR community going through rough times. Students and staff may also make a monetary donation ($1.00 will equal 3 canned food items).

December 7- Shopper's Room: Your child may bring in money to purchase gifts for family members for Christmas. An information sheet came home from the PTO on Nov 22.

December 9- Report Cards Distributed (please sign and return report card envelope)

December 13- Tie Dye Tuesday

December 20- Project Harmony T-Shirt Day or wear black and white

December 23-January 2 Winter Break

This week in Kindergarten...

We will be reading several different gingerbread man books and comparing and contrasting the stories. We will also be talking about the characters, setting, and problem in the stories.

We will be learning the letters Zz and Qq.

In math we will start working on learning about 2-Dimensional Shapes by sorting and classifying the shapes. We will also have time to explore the shapes and learn to recognize and describe their attributes.


Created with images by amaranth5syn - "Gingerbread men"

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