U.S Election By Sean Jung

Did you ever think about why President Elect Donald Trump won the U.S election? Odds were always against him, but why did he win the United States Election? There are a lot of theories. So I am now going to tell you about why he won the U.S election.

President Elect Trump

Donald Trump is an American businessman and politician who is the President-elect of the United States. On September 26, 2016, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton faced off in the first presidential debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, New York. This was the most watched presidential debate in United States history.


Donald Trump has made a victory speech on November 9, 2016. He’s been saying he will rebuild the inner cities. He said, “We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We're going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none, and we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it. We will also finally take care of our great veterans who have been so loyal, and I've gotten to know so many over this 18-month journey.” It seemed like a lot of people were persuaded by his speech. Some people are still bewildered whether Trump could really take his action he said in his speech.

President Elect Trump at his victory speech. November 9, 2016

In the speech, Trump drew attention to domestic issues such as illegal immigration, offshoring of American jobs, the U.S. national debt, and Islamic terrorism, which all remained large themes during the campaign. He also announced his campaign slogan, "Make America Great Again."


President Elect Trump will affect the U.S economy as he got nominated. As I mentioned in his speech, he will rebuild the inner cities. This is when the U.S economy started to pump up. The monetary policy will lower the interest almost by zero. Which will obviously benefit the U.S economy system? However, the fiscal policy won’t work that much and the economy system will be broken apart. During the election, Trump made a vow to heavily spend on a program to the construction.


A lot of people regards Donald Trump as a narcissist, a sociopath (some have argued psychopath) and a social extortionist. But people also regards Donald Trump for the best president to pump up the U.S economy. Even though this election was vast and caused a lot


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