College Street Style LAUREN HALL

Burnt oranges, off-whites and tans were consistent throughout Lauren Hall's two carefully chosen outfits. The northern California native is wrapping up her junior year at the U and while she's completing her degree in Parks and Recreation, she has her eyes set on a very different career path. Her hopes of becoming a professional model have caused a recent shift in her personal style, one she hopes has become far more daring.

"My style used to be very skater, almost tomboyish, but its definitely changed in the last year since I've started going into more girly styles. I need to look at high fashion because as a job I want to be a model and I know that I can't get there if I'm dressing like a skater. I have to get some real fashionable items and pieces in my wardrobe. I gotta grow up."

"My modern style icons are Kendall Jenner and Bella Hadid. I also feel very influenced by late 60's and early 70's fashion because I really enjoy the color palettes which include colors like burnt oranges, yellows and tans."

When simplifying her look into a single word, Hall could think of no better adjective than "hip." While the term is generally used to describe someone who simply has a keen eye for fashion and style, it meant something a little more specific to Hall. "I use the word to describe my style because I bring a lot of influences from the 60's and 70's into my clothing. That's the word that they used to describe their style back then, which is perfect."

Coming in at just under 6 feet, Hall does not let her height limit what she chooses to wear. Instead it serves as a point of empowerment and pride. While many women may feel that being tall can detriment style, narrowing what can be worn, Hall sees it as an advantage, something that should be focused on rather than hidden. "I like to show off my height when I dress because I used to be ashamed of how tall I was and it was just really hard for me. But now I embrace it. Yeah I've got mile-long legs, let's show them off!"

So how does this confidence translate into purchases? Hall advises taller women to buy one item of clothing which has sometimes been considered off-limits and taboo for their height. "A tip for shopping for tall girls is don't be afraid to buy high heels. You shouldn't be afraid to be the tallest person in the room. Buy stuff that accentuates what you have, what other people may wish they had."

Hall decided to put together two distinct outfits with very different uses. One is made up of a deep-orange knit sweater which she acquired at Uptown Cheapskate, a pair of light wash, bell-bottom jeans from Abercrombie & Fitch and an off-white pair of puma sneakers with rose-gold accents. Hall considered this a more subdued and casual fit that still felt true to her own style. This look, Hall said, could be worn in class, grocery shopping or just around town during the day.

Conversely, Hall's second look seeks to make more of a statement. A refined and luxurious look is certainly achieved with this outfit. That being said, it's worth noting that two key pieces that make up this sophisticated look are thrifted.

What immediately grabs the eye is the genuine fox fur coat from the 1940s which Hall found in a small antique shop for an excellent bargain. The slim, black skirt is also made of genuine leather and was found at a local Goodwill. Hall had to get it tapered and shortened but said it was well worth the investment. Finally, the high-heel boots are from Top Shop and the shirt is from Forever 21. When asked when she would wear this particular combo, Hall had a very specific instance in mind. "I would wear this outfit any time I wanted a lot of people to see me, like going out to dinner. Anywhere where people are going to ask themselves 'who is that?'"

For any of those looking to create an instantly identifiable style, Hall proves two things. First, you don't need to break the bank in order to get that high-end look, and second, as long as you dress in what makes you feel most confident, you'll look great doing it.

Created By
Daniel Thériault

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