Junior Counselor (JC) Goal: Students will have the opportunity to be trained in leadership positions

√ Students selected will work directly with the teachers, assisting the teacher during instruction and helping to lead and guide students during program activities.

√ Foster similar values and expectations as the IB CAS (Creativity, Action, Social service) program;

√ Learn to be good role models for younger students

√ Gain communication skills with peers and adults

√ Gain prospective of the education process

√ Impressive student role to include on college applications

√ Rich leadership experience working with peers and adults

Looking back on the two weeks I’ve spent as a JC, rather than saying what I have purposely learned through this program, I believe it would be more accurate to say what these children have imperceptibly taught me. First, the way we choose to communicate with young children is an important aspect of building relationship with them; second, the children’s capability of perceiving things should never be underestimated.

Susie Li, Primary JC 2016


Honey Wu, Primary JC 2016

I have gained a lot of new and unique experience during this 2 weeks of hard work. Although it was filled with challenges and difficulties, it was great practice to all of us.

Sherry Zhou, Primary JC 2016

Before I came to JC program, I had heard a lot about responsibility in junior campus, but it was just a figure back than. I learnt it now: responsibility is things that only you have to do, it is inescapable, you have to burden it.

Jacky Zhu, Primary JC 2016


The Junior Counselor (JC) will live off campus from June 28—July 21, 2017 and oversee local and international students participating in the YK Pao School Summer Programs. The JC will work full time and have some spring and summer training commitments leading up to the session start. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to discuss, on a case-by-case basis, the option of taking a class, volunteering, or working part-time following certain restrictions. JCs must be current YK Pao School students. He/she will be responsible for providing activities, supervision, and counsel to the students participating in the program.

Junior Chinese Summer Camp (Day Camp, Primary Division)

Suitable for: Non-native Chinese-speaking students aged 5-11 years

Session 1: June 26-July 7, 2017

Session 2: July 10-July 21,2017

Activities Camp (Day Camp, Primary Division)

Suitable for: Chinese and International students aged 5-8 years.

Session 1: June 26-July 7, 2017

Session 2: July 10-July 21,2017


Education: Current YK Pao School Student.

Experience: A demonstrated interest in working with kids. JCs should have strong interest in working with kids in a commuting environment. Must have demonstrated ability to work with limited direction and to direct/supervise the coordination/execution of events and/or programs.

Application Process and deadlines:

STEP 1: Please read the instructions CAREFULLY before you decide to apply for this program:

STEP 2: Fill out the following application form and submit it to Student Life office by 13 Feb. (Monday).

STEP 3: Please check your school E-mail and we will send out the interview schedule in one week after the application dead line.

STEP 4: Interview

STEP 5: A training session will be held sometime during the month of June.


Official acknowledgement from YK Pao transcript, a school summer program JC experience would be really useful for your collage admission;

Recommendation letter from summer camp coordinators per request

Contact Us: summercamp@ykpaoschool.cn

How was Head of JC feel about this program?

This is not reasonable to join a program without a talent and passionate leader, click on the link below for more information:

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