Change A Life

  1. Donate monthly
  2. Suggest a recipient (recipient from Gofundme is recommended)
  3. Money made from subscription at the end of the month will be pooled together and giving to the most suggested recipient.

Quad Health is a giving company that fundraise money to help pay for someone's medical bills inside of the U.S. One new person each month starting at $10.99 a month or higher. Helping has never been easier.

About us

The United States Health Care system is a broken system that needs fixing. Often it is said that "In the U.S you are only one accident away from a lifetime of debt". With the cost of medical bills simply to high for most Americans to pay, we here at Quad Health wanted to do something about it. Our goal is to help pay for or fully pay off at least one persons medical bills a month, and change at least one persons life.

Every month you will get the chance to suggest the person to give the money to. The person with the most suggestions the money. The money will be given to them via service like Gofundme or privately. You will always see this donation being made and how much money is donated.

Contact Us

Any questions, ask here:

Want to say hello:

Created By
Garrett L


Created with images by fourbyfourblazer - "Providence Holy Cross Medical Center"

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