VR Learning In Schools Will schools allow VR learning?

Welcome to the future! Today a few schools have VR’s in classrooms to help students learn in a more descriptive way, a VR lets you see and interact with whatever you want to see. The VR is a new way to learn, instead of learning about Ancient Greece from a piece of paper, you can actually travel there and interact with everything there without leaving the classroom. So this will enhance students learning process because technology has grown so much that people use it everyday, that children will think they are having fun but they are really learning.

Some schools will agree with me like my classroom vote, 15 people voted yes, there should be VR learning in schools, while 4 people voted no, there shouldn't be VR learning in schools, while 2 people were undecided about the vote. And some schools will not agree with me, for reasons like this, “kids will play games on the VR but it will look like they are working”, “the VR for a whole classroom will be too expensive”, “if the power goes out then how will the students learn?”.

Well I have some backup evidence to support that. The teachers will get a camera on their computer to watch what the kids are doing on the VR and the teachers get to choose what the kids do on the VR, the school can make a fundraiser to get money for the VR’s, or they can ask the VR company for a sponsor, and we can use “surge plugs” that means when the power goes out, the VRs won't be affected or when the power goes out the students could go back to the old fashioned way, pencil and paper, the VR could be a luxury learning tool for the class.

All this evidence supports my answer, i think there should be VR (virtual reality) learning in schools.

This is my little video about this, i hope you enjoyed this presentation!


Created with images by Barrett Web Coordinator - "Google Expeditions-024" • HammerandTusk - "man black virtual reality" • 3dman_eu - "refugees economic migrants financial equalization" • pestoverde - "LeTv LeVR COOL1 VR Headset" • epredator - "Mergevr.com headset pop in iPhone or droid for vr and AR" • HammerandTusk - "woman vr virtual reality" • mugwumpian - "HTC Vive headset"

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