Algeria Katherine Elliott


Location is a specific place or position.

Algerias absolute location is

These videos are showing you around Algeria and the different things within the country.

Algeria is on the continent of africa.
One interesting landform of Algeria is the Sahara Desert that covers over 90% of the country.
Another landform is Henri Lhote Arch - its one of alGerias natural arches. It stretches 22.1 miles.
One more landform is the El-Ourit Waterfalls
The climate of Algeria is mainly hot and dry. The places that get the most rainfall are on the coastal areas. Some villages in the Sahara don't see any rain for 20 years.
Algeria is bordered by the Mediterranean Sea in north, Morocco in west, Mauritania and Mali in south west, Niger in south east, Libya and Tunisia in east and it has a small border stretch to Western Sahara in west.
Bodies of water that surround Algeria are the Atlantic Ocean. And the Mediterranean Sea.
The rivers located within Alergia are the Seybouse River, the Djedi River, and the Chellif River.


Place is the human and physical aspects of location.

The six images and the video above are of the natural resources that Alergia has within the country such as lead, iron ore and zinc, and energy sources, specifically petroleum and natural gas.
Berbers are one of the cultural groups that are located in communities across Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Mali, Niger, and Mauretania. There are roughly 9 million located in Algeria.

This video explains the culture through Algeria.

Islam is the most practiced religion of Algeria but they have small numbers who practice Christianity and Jewish religions.
Eid ul-Fitr is the day that marks the end of the Islamic month of fasting. Mawlid is the holiday where they celebrate the birth of the prophet Muhammad. Eid al-Adha or the "festival of sacrifice" is a celebration that commemorates Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice Ishmael.
Alergias government is republican this is their Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal. They have a very large legislature. Their economy is good as far as supplying countries with gas and oil because they have one of the highest amounts of both natural reasources.

Human-environment interaction

Human-environment interaction is the study of how humans affect the environment and how the environment affects humans.

This video shows how people farm in Algeria.

These are some of the crops that are grown throughout Algeria. They grow oranges watermelon, wheat, grapes and barley.
Some of the job opportunities in Alergia are very small. The biggest one is farming when your out in the country but in the cities they have jobs like banking, working at restaurants, and being in construction.
The countries most endangered animal is the serval; a beautiful, wild feline that is larger than a domestic cat but smaller than a leopard. They are hunted for their skin and farmers to protect their livestock.
The mediterranean monk seal is also an endangered species in Algeria due to fishing and pollution. The seals rarely have pups so it's hard for the population to increase.
Boars, jackals and gazelles are common animals seen around Algeria.

This video shows you some of the different wildlife and insects that are in Algeria

The environmental problems of Algeria are mainly soil erosion due to overgrazing and poor farming.


Region is defined by its uniform physical or human characteristics.

Their education system is free for kids in primary school from ages 6 to 15. They have to pay for their secondary school which is why most don't go on.
Alergias population is 41,063,753 its population density is 17.

The area of Algeria in square miles is 919,600 mi².

The per capita GDP of Algeria is 4794.05 USD.

The life expectancy for males in Alergia is up to 73.8 years. The life expectancy for females is 77.5 years.

Their literacy rate is 80.2%.

Algeria is a Mediterranean-style climate area.


Movement refers to the relocation of human beings, their goods, and their ideas from one place to another.

This video talks about what goods come in and out of Algeria.

Goods that are imported and exported from the country are cars, coal tar oil, wheat, and ammonia.
The Algerian flag consists of two equal vertical green and white colors with a five point red star and a red crescent that lays over the two colors.

The national flag of Algeria is based on the flag used by Emir Abdel Kadir when French invaded the regency of Algiers. Algerian nationalist leader Ahmed Messali Hadj used the green-and-white flag in the 1920s as a rallying point for those opposed to French rule.

The Algerian war for independence was fought between Algerias National Liberation front and the French. Violence escalated so 500,000 French troops were sent to crush the Muslim rebellion. After 7 years of war the French signed a peace treaty and Algeria won its independence.

Algerias technology consists of wifi cell phones and some places around Algeria even have computers.
The most used form of transportation in Algeria is trains, taxis and buses.

Current events

British journalist, Mr. Tamalt, dies after serving for a hunger strike in protest against a two year sentence for offending Algerias president with a poem.
Algeria will soon be home to one of the worlds most largest mosques. It will serve as a buffer against radical Islam and crown the legacy of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika.

This video is talking about the protests in Algeria over Algerias government.

Travel brochure 

People should travel to Algeria because the land is beautiful. They have great hotel to stay at and great views of beachs. It's a big country with plenty of stuff to do.
You can visit the Sahara desert.
You can also visit the notre dame d'afrique (Our lady of Africa.) It is a Roman Catholic Church.
They have wonderful food suchas couscous which is small steamed balls of semolina and is usually served with some type of stew or vegetables.

Life as a teenager in Algeria.

Teens in Algeria don't get a lot of free time, most of the time they work. They go to school and come home and work. The girls mainly stay home and clean up the house and cook the food while the boys go out and work. They all work out on the farms most of the time as well.
For fun they dance, making pottery, make jewelry and make rugs. They also are very into music and play on the oud (lute-like instrument.)


Created with images by AmineKhadraoui - "station train shelter" • Hichem_Merouche - "algeria_2012-2014" • DanielWanke - "sand sahara traces" • JimboChan - "alone sunset bright" • fabiowanderley - "zagora desert morocco"

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