business plan owner: Hannah Ebba

this is similar to what my hair looked like after I used the homemade deep conditioner!

I came up with Splash Masks because a few months ago, I needed to make a deep conditioner for my hair and I couldn’t go to the store. So I made my own natural one at home, and it was very successful! It made me think, why not make a business out of natural products?

my friends and I at the Shoppes- (I'm in the middle.)

My business sparked after I noticed the problem that many of my friends’ faces after trying different face masks but always getting breakouts after it. So I wanted to create a product that will give them great skin and still be fun and luxurious!

My family and I going to a restaurant! (FROM LEFT- Kadir, 15, and Luna, 10)

My family consists of my mom, dad, little sister, and older brother. We all strive to be a better person of each other and always encourage each other to try their best. In fact, my sister really enjoys being my “guinea pig” for my crazy ideas and always wants to be the first to try things.

My hobbies consist of art, swimming, and cooking. I enjoy hanging out with my friends at the mall or the movies, too. I’ve achieved awards for school such as all A’s and top in class, which motivates me to do my best in whatever task I set myself forward too. In addition, the time I spend with my friends lets me know what problems girls face that I could possibly solve!

Although Splash Masks are available to anyone, my target market is young teenage girls under 20. Girls LOVE to pamper themselves, and face masks are one of the best ways to do so! Boys most likely won’t purchase my product because they typically don’t enjoy having “gunk” on their faces.

My business is unique because as I said, we use pure ingredients in each package, typically only having 3-5 ingredients per mask! This makes our company likely to succeed because it’s simple, yet it holds the mystery that Mother Nature has healing properties for your skin...which attracts people because of the true beauty of Earth, compared to the harsh reality of chemicals in popular face masks.

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