MoNthly Newsletter sos planet - a robotics project

September and October 2015

The Slovak Republic

Let's go to talk about our project, its aims and our roles in it.

The first steps of familiarization with robots, programing, rules, responsibilities and activities in project
The first announcement in Slovakia
We signed on Etwinning plattform and introduced with Twinspace.
We have started to take some photos and make some videos regards to introducing our project team
Group work
And finally we've done it.
What about logo of project?
Our work on project's logo
Our first ideas


The first announcement in Spain


The first announcement in Turkey
Our ideas about project's logo


October with project SOS Planet at our school
The first announcement in Poland

We prepared interactive TwinSpace project platform, that will be used by all partner schools

We created a team of 7 teachers to coordinate students' activities connected with the project

We informed both teachers and students about the objectives of the project

During English lessons in 4-6 grades we prepared and recorded shor videos with greetings for all our project partners


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