Artist Statement Joseph Martinez

One important thing I have used while using the Photoshop program is how to crop two different images together to make them look like one image. Another thing that I learned while using Photoshop is you can transform an image to bend to your will by using 'Ctrl' + 'T'. I also learned that Photoshop works in layers which is very useful and can make using the program much simpler if you know how to use it.

These images were created using the Photoshop skills I have learned in this class

One thing I learned while using printmaking is that the ink only touches the paper where you desire it to. You can do this by cutting deeper lines where you do not want the ink to go because the part that is cut deeper will not be able to touch the paper. Something I discovered while making my collage art is to always start with the background first. This step is highly important because if you start with the subject art, then you risk the background overlapping the important parts of your piece.

Having a portfolio as an artist is important because it is an excellent place to put your art on display. This is important because there is no reason to make art if you have no place where everyone can see it. Portfolios are also important so people know what you value and what you believe in. A portfolio is significant because they are a platform for great artists to send a message to their audience about who they are so when they see your art they can identify who you are. My portfolio says a lot about who I am because it displays some of my interests and is composed of things that represent myself and things that I believe help define me as a person.

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