"Innocent Until Proven Guilty" How this ideal will reduce stereotypical adherences

Guilty until proven innocent, the presumption that one is guilty based off of past experience, has been a concept that has overwhelmed the judicial system gradually in this past century.
However, "innocent until proven guilty" promotes freedom. This concept conveys freedom of speech, and the right to a fair and speedy trial; in turn, portraying equal rights. With these ideas implemented, there will be no past reputation involved, promoting a fair and unified atmosphere for all.

For example, the NFL has utilized the "guilty until proven innocent" concept due to the growing dislike for certain teams because of the past acts the entities have committed.

The Washington Redskins have been highly discriminated against for their racist namesake towards Native Americans.

Tom Brady and the New England Patriots have been discriminated against for their past acts of cheating.

The Dallas Cowboys have been hated for their owner, Jerry Jones, buying out prime-time players in order to stack their team.

Most recently, Patriots were on thin ice with the Deflategate investigation, after the past experiences in the Spygate ruling and Tuck Rule implementation. The Patriots were automatically disciplined, with Tom Brady being suspended for 4 games, assuming the "guilty until proven innocent" position on this situation.
Tom Brady attempted to appeal, but Roger Goodell rejected his appeal numerous times without further investigation. After further speculation, the case the NFL conducted was a bust; yet, for some reason, Brady was still suspended.
However, if "innocent until proven guilty" was implemented, the NFL would not have tarnished their image of respect and honor by accepting that Brady was innocent despite of his past, instead of trying to assert their dominance over the players of the league.

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