My Genius Hour Weekly Blog Tim Cheung Period 4

Week One 2/21/17

This week of 2/21/17 I finished my video and started to research. My goal for today is to finish doing the blog and setting up my blog and ready to start researching. I also want to finish the thinking process of what should I research on the topic that I am doing. So far I have not found anything useful for my topic that is very interesting. So I did not really do what I wanted to do today because it took too long to figure out how to do this blog stuff.

Week Two 3/3/17

Today is the first full day of researching on my topic about optical Illusions and what I want to accomplish today is simple. I just need to find a couple of sources of my topic so I can go back next week to review the sources for my topic. Shows the basic version of how the optical illusions work Also it shows many cool examples of different optical illusions and its answers. shows you a video explantion of how the optical illusions work. I think that I accomplished what I wanted to do today because I found a lot of useful examples from the websites and it also explains why the optical illusions work.


Created with images by qimono - "sunset tropical sea" • Maggie-Me - "Background" • Maggie-Me - "Background"

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